Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chapter 11: IS in Business

Craig Gentry, a young man doing an internship for IBM was sitting in a cafe one day and discovered something he had pondered on for quite some time, a breakthrough in encryption. This breakthrough would totally change the way security via the web is handled. Consumers private information would be protected in unprecedented ways. This would definitely increase sales and businesses that deal in e-business will begin to see substantial gains in revenues thanks to this new cryptology. It hasn't been implemented yet, but will be looked at very closely in the months to come. The system developement life cycle of this new breakthrough is going to be very intersting with its complex applications to the vast amounts of affecs it will impose on the way business is done over the internet.

Baker, Stephen (2009) IBM's Encryption Breakthrough for the Web, Business Week.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chapter 10: IS in Business

Google investors spoke with a disgruntled Craigslist stake holder who owns about 28% of the shares. Officials at Google were only interested in purchasing the shares from this unnamed share holder if they can gain control of the way Craigslist was operated. Of course, they were unable to do just that especially with the creator of Craigslist Craig Newmark stating that Google would not comply with Craigslists community views. The success of Ebay and now Craigslist showing no signs of wear are thriving in an era of e-business its a perfect time to capitalize on the market. I relate this story to ERP, in which the major role players involved have to evaluate to risk and ROI making a purchase of this stature would impose on the investment.

Bloomberg News,(2009) Officals say Google eyed Craigslist.

Chapter 9: IS in Business

The Government Accountability Office said the Federal Communications Commission needs to ramp up oversight in the wireless industry and do a better job at ensuring the consumers are protected under the law. With more focused attention on the wireless cell phone industry due to the capabilities cell phones offer nowadays and also with the rise in texting and social networking capabilities from the palm of your hand, sales and concern are up. The question is have cell phone companies been getting away with being allowed to charge outrageous fees for canceling a cell phone line or adding certain upgrades to each plan. Whatever the case may be, the government is stepping in to ensure to consumers that they are aware of the mass amounts of complaints that comes through their mail describing of this soc called highway robbery that's going on under their nose. This form of business intelligence will allow for the government to analyze data received by the companies involved and make a decision as to if there is any fowl play going on. Many people are unhappy with the way these companies are conducting business and feel their getting cheated.

Associated Press (2009)Globe Newspaper Company. Tougher Wireless Standards Urged,